181 Wheeler Ct, Suite C Langhorne, PA 19047
181 Wheeler Ct, Suite C Langhorne, PA 19047
181 Wheeler Ct, Suite C Langhorne, PA 19047
When will showtimes be released?
Once registration comes to an end on March17, we will assign our gymnasts into groups. We will announce the showtimes on April 14, when tickets go on sale.
What should my gymnast wear?
Girls Showcase attire includes our exclusive Showcase leotard (pictured). The leotard is included with registration. Gymnasts have the option to wear red biker shorts (pictured) for $36, but these are not required. Please note, only the red biker shorts are allowed if your gymnast chooses to wear shorts—no other shorts will be permitted this year.

Girls Showcase Leotard

Girls Showcase Showcase
Pre Gym Boys/All Gym Ninja Classes includes Showcase T-shirt & Black shorts.
When will the leotard and shirts be ready to pick up?
Leotards and shirts will be available to pick up the week before the show at the front desk. If these items arrive at an earlier date, we will email all participants to pick up early.
How should my gymnast have their hair done for the show?
All gymnasts (female and male) must have their hair pulled back away from their face. Hair spray and clips (no bobby pins) are suggested. No bows/barrettes that will inhibit any rolling.
Can I purchase a medal and/or leotard if my child is not participating in the show?
Medals and leotards are reserved for our show participants, however if we have any leotards/t-shirts left after the show they will be on sale in our pro-shop.
When do tickets go on sale?
Online Ticket sales will begin April 14 until sold out. Tickets will be limited per performing gymnast. Additional tickets may become available. TICKETS WILL NOT BE SOLD AT THE DOOR THE DAY OF THE EVENT. Online ticket information will be emailed with showtimes on April 14.
What are the ticket costs?
Adults $16, Children ages 10 and under $11. Children under 2 are free and must sit on an adult’s lap (if you would like for them to have their own chair you must purchase a child’s ticket).
Does my gymnast need a ticket?
Your gymnast will not need a ticket for the show in which they are performing. If a gymnast wants to watch a show in which they are not performing, they will need to purchase a ticket.
Is my ticket valid for all shows?
Tickets will be sold per show and are not transferable to additional shows.
Is there handicap seating?
Yes, we will be reserving a small section for handicap seating, however the entrance to our building is not handicap accessible. If you need assistance with entrance stairs, please let us know ahead of time.