181 Wheeler Ct, Suite C Langhorne, PA 19047
181 Wheeler Ct, Suite C Langhorne, PA 19047
181 Wheeler Ct, Suite C Langhorne, PA 19047
Dynamix Gymnastics participates in USAIGC Competitive Gymnastics Team Program. We offer Copper 1 & 2, Bronze,
Diamond, Silver and Gold Levels.
It is our goal to make these young gymnasts not only into great athletes but also into great children/teenagers/adults. We believe in the importance of gymnasts leading well rounded lives. While we want them to be dedicated to their sport we also will strive to foster outside interests. We believe in a coaching staff that is firm but fair and always respectful to the athletes.
Dynamix is proud to be a USAIGC Club. USAIGC philosophy: "The USAIGC (United States Association of Independent Gymnastic Clubs) believes we must balance intelligent gymnastic training with our gymnast’s school challenges and encourage them to continue their outside activities with friends and family. You only go through life once and the USAIGC wants to build a well-rounded gymnast with their eye on higher education and one prepared to interface in the “real world”.
Gymnastics is the greatest female sport there is and it is the process of becoming a gymnast that creates young ladies that are a head above their peers; they are successful students and great athletes who can succeed almost immediately in any sport they choose. Gymnastics teaches intangible life skills that have far more value and importance than scores and competitive levels. The USAIGC focuses on the process of becoming a gymnast and will provide positive healthy experiences for our gymnasts to grow and develop into “champions of life”."
Interested in learning more about our Team? Contact kim@dynamixgymnastics.com.